Alda Almeida is the Brazilian mother of Adriana and her other three children. She lived in Fortaleze (Brazil). Her daughters Adriana Almeida - van Gemerden and Iana Almeida have both been living in the Netherlands for 20 years, but grew up in Brazil, with the fun of family, friends, music, dance and food. Adriana has brought her Brazilian joie de vivre to the Netherlands and is now organizing this event, giving workshops Capoeira and giving massages.


Her mother, Alda Almeida has been a very important teacher in this. She taught her, and also her sister and brothers, how to be strong in life, making use of music, spirituality, friendships, creativity and love. Unfortunately, it has been 41 years since she died in a plane crash, leaving her daughters, sons and husband behind. She has never been out of their minds, and her lack and strength led Adriana Almeida to start the event 'Aldacia para mulheres', because she wanted to pass on her mother's strength to other women, so that her strength and wisdom can be passed on to other women .


The event 'Aldacia para mulheres' is therefore dedicated to Alda Alemeida, and we thank her for her 'spiritual' presence and strength.